Contract and Consultancy

Due to a product or project, the need may arise to engage an individual on a short term basis.

LA Recruitment has supported this type of work for many years In Qatar and for this reason we are able to offer contractors a variety of options for employment.

The benefits to our clients of taking on a contractor:

  • A risk-free alternative to hiring someone permanently. As and when a project ends, a product or research is competed, or work slows, clients avoid redundancy or relocating employees
  • Immediate response to requirements. Where a need is critical, we can provide a suitable contractor normally within a matter of hours
  • Where someone is required for a fixed period of time, for a consultancy, study or other


LA Recruitment, as part of TEC Group International has over 500 active contractors working in various locations throughout the world. We support their ability to work by providing the following services:

  • Full Immigration Support
  • Local Employment Structure
  • In-country Payroll
  • In-country accountancy services (Tax and Social Security)
  • Third Party Indemnity, Liability and Insurances
  • Meet and Greet
  • Travel Arrangements, Car Hire, Accommodation
  • Security and Logistical Support


Our contractor care team supports contractors/consultants by providing the following services:

  • Company registration
  • Timesheet queries
  • Travel and insurance cover
  • Location expertise
  • Indemnity, Liability, Insurances support including procurement of appropriate cover
  • Payment support and advice


Please contact us for more information 


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